Research Paper Report

Human Action Unit Detection of Patient using Geometric Feature Analysis

Date of Submission
8th Sep 2024

General Information:

Year Of Paper Submission : 2016-17
Type of Applicant : Faculty
Selected Course : PG
Department of Applicant : ETRX
Class of Applicant : Faculty

Applicants Details:

Applicant Name : Talele Kiran Tulshiram Vasumati

Guide Details:

Name of First Guide : 0,

Paper Details:

Title of Paper : Human Action Unit Detection of Patient using Geometric Feature Analysis
Type of Paper : Conference
Type of Publication : National
Date Of Conference / Journal / Book : 2000-01-01
Conference_Type : IEEE
Name of the Hosting Institute of the Conference : Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
Address of Host Institute : Syngapore
ISBN : Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
DOI : doi: 10.1109/TENCON.2016.7848408