Research Paper Report

Potential Customer classification in Customer Relationship Management using Fuzzy Logic

Date of Submission
8th Sep 2024

General Information:

Year Of Paper Submission : 2019-20
Type of Applicant : Student
Selected Course : UG
Department of Applicant : IT
Class of Applicant : B.E.

Applicants Details:

UCID of Applicant : 2016140031
Applicant Name : Tanay Kulkarni
Applicant Email :
Applicant Contact Number : 8454845934.000000

Guide Details:

Department of Guide No. 1 : Information Technology
Name of First Guide : Prof. Kailas Devadkar

Paper Details:

Title of Paper : Potential Customer classification in Customer Relationship Management using Fuzzy Logic
Type of Paper : Conference
Type of Publication : International
Conference_Type : IEEE
Name of the Hosting Institute of the Conference : RVS college of Engineering and Technology